Hedgehog Handling Tips and Basics

Numerous unused hedgehog proprietors are apprehensive approximately taking care of their spiked pets. Hedgehogs can be taken care of (they are not as well thorny), in spite of the fact that a few persistence is required to make beyond any doubt your hedgehog is both secure and comfortable in your hands. Take after these steps to begin taking care of your hedgehog.

Steps to Handle a Hedgehog

Start dealing with your hedgehog in the evening when they are most likely to be alert. A languid hedgehog can be testy which will make this errand essentially impossible.

  • Allow your hedgehog to sniff your hands so that they will recognize you each time you handle them.
  • Place your hands palm side up on either side of the hedgehog. If vital, you can tenderly corner your hedgehog in their cage so they will be more likely to have to walk onto your hands.
  • Gently thrust your hands underneath your standing hedgehog. You can indeed scoop up a bit of bedding to secure your hands a bit more if you are apprehensive almost getting pricked.
  • Cup your hands and lift your hedgehog up whereas they are supported in your hands. Keep your fingers together, and out of the way of your hedgehog’s stomach in case they choose to roll into a ball (a finger caught in the center of a balled up hedgehog is not fun).
  • Your hedgehog may fit or roll into a ball. Attempt to hold on unless your hedgehog is excessive disturbed and you aren’t making any advance. It’s affirm to scoop him or her up if she has rolled into a ball.
  • Hold your hedgehog (attempt supporting your hedgie on one hand or lower arm and putting the other hand tenderly over his or her back for security) or put him or her in your lap. Most will unroll decently rapidly if they feel secure and will start exploring.
  • Feel free to resort to bribery if vital. If your hedgehog rolls into a ball offer a treat such as a delicious mealworm as before long as they unroll. Your hedgehog will likely choose rapidly that being picked up is a great thing since they get remunerated for it. Save this treat for times when you are taking care of your hedgehog.
  • Once your hedgehog has unrolled from their ball permit them to investigate your hands and lap at their possess pace. Do not attempt to pet your hedgehog until they have relaxed.
  • A loose hedgehog will lay down their spines. Once the spines are laying level (not jabbing up in different headings like they are when your hedgehog is rolled into a ball) you can attempt petting them in the heading the spines lay. Maintain a strategic distance from attempting to pet your hedgehog’s confront at first as they do not ordinarily like it.
  • Offer extraordinary treats irregularly whereas taking care of your hedgehog to tell your hedgehog that being dealt with is a great thing. Ideally, your hedgehog will recognize that being taken care of and getting treats isn’t frightening but fun.

Tips for Dealing with a Hedgehog

  • Hedgehogs will recognize you by scent. Wearing gloves will as it were confound your hedgehog. Hand salve or overwhelming fragrances may too befuddle your hedgehog. Setting a t-shirt that you have worn in their cage may familiarize them with your scent.
  • If fundamental, a thick towel can be utilized to choose up a persistent hedgehog at to begin with, or maybe than gloves. You can more effortlessly slide the t-shirt absent than you would be able to take off a glove and at that point proceed to hold your hedgehog with your uncovered hands.
  • Do not snatch your hedgehog from above.
  • Remember, the spines are not spiked nor do they come out like porcupine plumes so if you do get jabbed it will harmed but not be intolerably agonizing.

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