Hedgehog Bedding Options

Pet hedgehogs are exceptionally one of a kind small pets but they have comparative fundamental care prerequisites to that of a guinea pig or rodent. When it comes to setting up an walled in area for your hedgehog, you’ll realize that you have a part of bedding alternatives to select from and a few are more suitable for a hedgehog than others. This list is not all-encompassing but it does cover a lovely huge assortment of commonly seen pet bedding alternatives to offer assistance you make an educated choice for your hedgehog.

Paper Bedding Alternatives for Hedgehogs

  • CareFresh Ultraby Solid Pet: This bedding is incredible for hedgehogs for a number of reasons. Not as it were is it delicate and retentive but it is too made from reused paper and isn’t dusty. Also, for those who appreciate a small color, this bedding comes in a assortment of fun colors. Hedgehogs adore to twist up and cuddle in this delicate bedding in their cages but there is a drawback to it. Since this bedding is so delicate and lightweight, it tends to get stuck in the spines of a hedgehog, particularly if it is damp from a bath.
  • Paper Shavings Creature Bedding by Applegate Cover: This is a exceptionally delicate, permeable, and cost-effective bedding for a hedgehog. It is stuffed into pieces and extends into an gigantic sum of bedding that you can spread liberally into your hedgehog’s house. It is lightweight so it can be kicked around effortlessly and is made from reused paper registries and other distributing company materials. Like other paper sheets, it as well may get stuck between hedgehog spines.
  • Clean & Cozy by Kaytee: The Clean & Cozy paper bedding item is comparative to CareFresh Ultra but marginally cheaper, less permeable, lighter, and milder. Depending on what you need from bedding you may or may not lean toward it to a few of its competitor items. There are moreover a few other companies that have a comparable paper bedding item to what Kaytee offers.
  • Cell-Sorb Also by Estes’ Co.: This is a compacted paper bedding fabric that grows when it gets to be damp. It is exceptionally retentive but not exceptionally delicate. A few pet stores and proprietors like this bedding since it isn’t as lightweight as the cushy, delicate paper bedding options.
  • Fresh World Bedding by SunSeed: A delicate, feathery bedding that contains preparing pop to offer assistance control odors, New World is made from reused newspapers.

Wood Bedding Choices for Hedgehogs

  • Kaytee Delicate Granule Mix: Little small pellets are characteristic of this wood fiber bedding. They are exceptionally retentive and gentler than other wood options.
  • Aspen Shavings: Aspen is a fine wood shaving.1 Numerous proprietors appreciate the receptiveness and smell it offers in expansion to how cheap it is. The downsides to Aspen are most strikingly the dustiness and the reality that it appears to adhere to everything, such as your hedgehog’s covers. If you require cheap bedding in a squeeze, select aspen over the other wood-shaving options.
  • Pine Shavings: This is a classic little pet bedding but is not great for most little pets. The wood shavings aren’t exceptionally retentive and there is a few dialog that the pine oils can cause wellbeing issues in your hedgehog and indeed cut up their little, fragile feet. It is best to fair dodge this wood item altogether.


Just say no to cedar shavings. Yes, they are cheap and found all over but they are moreover harmful to your hedgehog since they cause respiratory and unfavorably susceptible issues as well as potential liver changes.2 Cedar utilized to be prevalent due to the characteristic smell it gave off but there are presently much more secure alternatives accessible to pet proprietors. Remain absent from cedar bedding!

Fabric Bedding Choices for Hedgehogs

Many hedgehog proprietors buy textures like downy, pillowcases, or towels to utilize in their walled in areas since they like to stow away. Not as it were will textures retain fluids but they can be washed and reused and come in for all intents and purposes any color or design you need. Texture pieces are moreover exceptionally prevalent to offer assistance you handle your hedgehog since they give a few security from the thorny spines.

Corn Cob Bedding

This bedding will assimilate fluids and is cheap but it doesn’t do much for odor, isn’t as delicate as a few other alternatives, and has to be checked for shape development. It isn’t suggested for hedgehog houses.

Endless bedding choices will proceed to be made but you’ll discover the best alternative for you and your hedgehog by attempting out a few of them. Choose what is most critical to you. Is it fetched, receptiveness, odor, or accessibility that you care approximately most? At that point attempt out a few comparable items but do not disregard to see what your hedgehog inclines toward. It will be the one investing more time on it than you!

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